2020-12-22 16:55-17:40z NRT MODIS Aqua Level 0 Reprocessing

Platform Aqua
Instrument MODIS
Issue news
Last Updated 2020-12-22 21:25:00
Start 2020-12-22 16:55:00
End 2020-12-22 17:40:00

Aqua MYD00S was initially delivered with substantially missing data between 2020-12-22 16:55-17:40z (Both/Night granules) and used in production. After a redelivery of MYD00S containing this time range, MYD00F (five minute Aqua L0) was reproduced with normal day granule file sizes. PM1EPHND_NRT was also reproduced in same time range, although the resulting filesizes were unchanged at 20000 bytes and reprocessing was likely unnecessary. Downstream L2 PGEs are being reprocessed.

Reprocessed MYD00F:

    PGE_StartTime    | FileSizeBytes | size_diff | DNF | cksum_diff 
 2020-12-22 16:55:00 |     118151736 |  14227860 | N   | Y
 2020-12-22 17:00:00 |     118463808 |  21642432 | N   | Y
 2020-12-22 17:05:00 |     118087536 |  26057520 | N   | Y
 2020-12-22 17:10:00 |     118087536 |  71448180 | N   | Y
 2020-12-22 17:15:00 |     118087536 | 118072290 |     | Y
 2020-12-22 17:20:00 |     118087536 |  56820468 | N   | Y
 2020-12-22 17:25:00 |     118087536 |  69031926 | N   | Y
 2020-12-22 17:30:00 |     118087536 | 118084506 |     | Y
 2020-12-22 17:35:00 |     215054808 |  82479516 | B   | Y

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