GEO-LEO Deep Blue Aerosol suite released

Platform Multiple
Instrument Multiple
Source LAADS
Issue news
Last Updated 2024-12-27 12:40:00
Start 2024-12-26 18:40:00
End 2025-01-26 00:00:00

The Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System Distributed Active Archive Center (LAADS DAAC) is pleased to announce the availability of the Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) - Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) Deep Blue Aerosol (DBA) product suite consisting of GEO DBA, LEO DBA and GEO-LEO merged DBA retrievals made between May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2020.

This suite of nine GEO DBA and three GEO-LEO merged DBA products is based on using a successfully implemented version of the Deep Blue Aerosol and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval algorithms to adapt to geostationary meteorological sensors.

Product Type Platform Instrument Temporal Cadence Spatial Resolution Product
GEOGOES-16Advanced Baseline Imager30 Min.10 kmAERDB_L2_ABI_G16
GEOGOES-17Advanced Baseline Imager30 Min.10 kmAERDB_L2_ABI_G17
GEOHimawari-8Advanced Himawari Imager30 Min.10 kmAERDB_L2_AHI_H08
GEOGOES-16Advanced Baseline ImagerDaily10 x 10AERDB_D3_ABI_G16
GEOGOES-17Advanced Baseline ImagerDaily10 x 10AERDB_D3_ABI_G17
GEOHimawari-8Advanced Himawari ImagerDaily10 x 10AERDB_D3_AHI_H08
GEOGOES-16Advanced Baseline ImagerMonthly10 x 10AERDB_M3_ABI_G16
GEOGOES-17Advanced Baseline ImagerMonthly10 x 10AERDB_M3_ABI_G17
GEOHimawari-8Advanced Himawari ImagerMonthly10 x 10AERDB_M3_AHI_H08
GEO-LEOMultiple*ABI, AHI, VIIRS, MODIS*30 Min.0.250 x 0.250AERDB_L2G_GEOLEO_Merged
GEO-LEOMultiple*ABI, AHI, VIIRS, MODIS*Monthly10 x 10AERDB_M3_GEOLEO_Merged
* includes G16-ABI, G17-ABI, H08-AHI, SNPP-VIIRS, NOAA20-VIIRS, Terra MODIS & Aqua MODIS

The Level-2 (L2) GEO DBA products provide Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) data every 30 minutes and also serve as inputs to generate daily and monthly products. The Level-2 Gridded (L2G) GEO-LEO Merged DBA product provides gridded AOT data every 30 minutes based on seven merged GEO-LEO AOT layers. The L2G merged DBA also help produce daily and monthly products.

This suite of Deep Blue Aerosol products help characterize aerosol changes within a day's time-scale. This breadth and frequency of information can help us in tracking the rapid changes and dynamics in smoke and dust plumes that can severely impact air quality. Their potential to contribute to our understanding of the aerosol diurnal cycle could also elevate how we define the relationships between meteorological processes (e.g., cloud formation, boundary layer changes, etc.) and human activities (air quality, air pollution, etc.). The data assimilation and modelling community could benefit via the high temporal resolution GEO and GEO-LEO Merged aerosol products to initialize models and to better characterize the sources of dust and other air pollutants.

Consult the GEO-LEO Deep Blue Aerosol project page for additional details. If you have any questions, contact the LAADS User Services.

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