SNPP VIIRS+CrIS Fusion product anomaly

Platform SNPP, NOAA-20
Instrument VIIRS, CrIS
Source LAADS
Issue news
Last Updated 2023-08-23 10:30:00
Start 2023-08-13 21:32:00
End 2023-09-01 00:00:00

Due to the S-NPP CrIS (Cross Track Infrared Sounder) Long Wave Signal Processor Failure, from August 13, 2023, at approximately 21:32 UTC, until further notice, the Fusion LWIR scaled radiances matching the MODIS Bands 30-36 (Scientific Data Sets (SDS) named MODIS30-MODIS36 respectively) will consist of Fill data only.

Please note that from the above date, until further notice, only MODIS-equivalent fusion radiance datasets MODIS23-MODIS25, and the "differences of measured minus fusion-reconstructed" VIIRS M15 and M16 brightness temperature datasets (with SDS names BTD_15 and BTD_16) have nominal values.

The Fusion science team is monitoring the status of the CrIS instrument on SNPP, and will provide further information if there are any changes to the Fusion product.

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