Lance-MODIS Production of Terra NRT Atmos and dependent Land products halted due to poor quality from 2016-03-03 (update)

Platform Terra
Instrument MODIS
Source lance-modis
Issue news
Last Updated 2016-03-03 20:00:00
Start 2016-03-03 00:00:00
End 2016-03-06 00:00:00
Description 2016-03-03T20:00:00Z
As of 2016-03-04 000z production of all NRT Terra Land PGEs and products will resume (Atmospheres is still disabled except PGE03). The Land Science Team has decided that the dependence of their products on cloud mask MOD35_L2 is minimal. While Lance-MODIS will run PGE03 and produce MOD35_L2 (and MOD07_L2) for Land processes to use, we will not distribute these on our ftp sites.

As of 2016-03-03 000z and until data quality is restored, NRT will cease production of Terra Atmospheres products and dependent Land products. The atmospheres science team has requested this due to quality concerns: "We'll obviously wait for the BB warmup/cool down results but today (2016061) the band 27 and band 29 - band 31 tests are causing the cloud mask [MOD35_L2] to be unusable." The only Land PGEs that will continue to run are: PGE12, PGE30, PGE100, PGE102, PGE103, PGE120L6. (Products include: L2G pointers, MOD14, MODC[R3]*, MOD14T (fires), MOR* (subsets).)

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