Lance-MODIS 2016-01-10 03:47-07:02 Aqua data gap (fixed)

Platform Aqua
Instrument MODIS
Source lance-modis
Issue news
Last Updated 2016-01-11 21:55:00
Start 2016-01-10 03:47:03
End 2016-01-10 07:02:21
Description 2016-01-11T21:55:00Z
2016-01-10 03:47-07:02 Aqua data will be produced in NRT processing. The missing data was just delivered, and the commands to close production not yet issued, so we will let it process normally if well over a day late.

Two consecutive orbits of MODIS Aqua MYD00S (L0) data were not received by our Neal Real Time processing systems as shown below. Near RealTime production of granules in these intervals has been closed. We are told that the data was recovered from the Norway ground station and processed into two hour L0 granules by EDOS. So the data will be processed in normal forward processing and made available at

  ESDT   |    GapStartTime     |     GapEndTime      
  MYD00S | 2016-01-10 03:47:03 | 2016-01-10 07:02:21

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