MODIS L3 Monthly 500m Burned Area Product File Specification
Version 6.0.7 (January 2017) 

PGE Version	: 6.0.7
PGE Release	: 2017-01-12

Product ID(s): MCD64A1 (L3 Monthly 500m "Direct Broadcast" Burned Area)

MODIS/Terra+Aqua Direct Broadcast Burned Area Monthly L3 Global 500m SIN Grid

This document specifies the format for the monthly MODIS Level 3
Direct Broadcast Burned Area 500m SIN Grid product (MCD64A1).

Point of Contact:
	Louis Giglio (PI)
	University of Maryland
	(301) 405-0064

	Chris Justice
	University of Maryland


1. ECS Granule Metadata

1.1 CoreMetadata.0

ECS Core metadata are stored in a single HDF attribute as a large string of
PVL text.

Name                            ECS Type
----                            --------
SizeMBECSDataGranule		double
ReprocessingPlanned		string
ReprocessingActual		string
LocalGranuleID			string
DayNightFlag			string
ProductionDateTime		string
LocalVersionID			string
ParameterName			string
AutomaticQualityFlag		string
AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation	string
OperationalQualityFlag		string
OperationalQualityFlagExplanation	string
ScienceQualityFlag		string
ScienceQualityFlagExplanation	string
QAPercentInterpolatedData	integer
QAPercentMissingData		integer
QAPercentOutofBoundsData	integer
QAPercentCloudCover		integer
ShortName			string
VersionID			string
InputPointer			string
ExclusionGRingFlag		string
GRingPointLatitude		double
GRingPointLongitude		double
GRingPointSequenceNo		integer
RangeBeginningDate		DATE
RangeBeginningTime		TIME
RangeEndingDate			DATE
RangeEndingTime			TIME
PGEVersion			string
AssociatedSensorShortName	string
AssociatedPlatformShortName	string
AssociatedInstrumentShortName	string
identifier_product_doi		string
identifier_product_doi_authority	string

1.2 ArchiveMetadata.0

ECS Archive metadata are also stored in a single HDF attribute as a large
string of PVL text.

Name                            ECS Type
----                            --------
WestBoundingCoordinate		double
NorthBoundingCoordinate		double
EastBoundingCoordinate		double
SouthBoundingCoordinate		double
AlgorithmPackageAcceptanceDate	string
AlgorithmPackageMaturityCode	string
AlgorithmPackageName		string
AlgorithmPackageVersion		string
GeoAnyAbnormal			string
GeoEstMaxRMSError		double
LongName			string
SPSOParameters			string
ProcessingCenter		string
CharacteristicBinAngularSize	double
CharacteristicBinSize		double
DataColumns			integer
DataRows			integer
GlobalGridColumns		integer
GlobalGridRows			integer
NadirDataResolution		string
ProcessingEnvironment		string
DESCRrevision			string
ProductionHistory		string
SystemFileName			string
TerraDataUsed			string
AquaDataUsed			string
NumberBurnedPixels		integer

1.3 StructuralMetadata.0

This string will be populated automatically by HDF-EOS.

2. Product-Specific Granule Metadata

The following fields are stored as individual HDF global attributes.

Name					HDF Data Type
----					-------------
BurnedCells				int32
MissingCells				int32
LandCells				int32
ValidLandCells				int32
ProductStartDay				int16
ProductEndDay				int16
year					int16
tile					six-character string (e.g., "h10v06")
CodeVersion				five-character string (e.g., "3.8.6")
MCD64A0_input_file			string
LC_input_file				string
identifier_product_doi			string
identifier_product_doi_authority	string

3. Scientific Data Sets

Name		Data Type	Dimensions
----		---------	----------
Burn Date	int16		YDim:MOD_Grid_Monthly_500m_DB_BA,

Ordinal date of burn, with 0 = unburned. A value of -1 is used to flag
missing data, and a value of -2 is used to flag grid cells located in water.

SDS Attributes:

Attribute		Type	Quantity	Value
---------		----	--------	--------
valid_range		int16	2		0, 366
long_name		string	19		"ordinal day of burn"
_FillValue		int16	1		-1
water			int16	1		-2


Name			Data Type	Dimensions
----			---------	----------
Burn Date Uncertainty	int8		YDim:MOD_Grid_Monthly_500m_DB_BA,

Temporal uncertainty in burn date.

SDS Attributes:

Attribute		Type	Quantity	Value
---------		----	--------	--------
units			string	4		"days"


Name			Data Type	Dimensions
----			---------	----------
QA			int8		YDim:MOD_Grid_Monthly_500m_DB_BA,

Product quality assurance flags.

Bit	Description
---	-----------
0	land/water flag
		0 = water
		1 = land

1	valid data flag
		0 = missing data
		1 = valid

2	shortened mapping period (0 = false, 1 = true)

3	class updated during contextual relabeling phase
	(0 = false, 1 = true)

4	unused (set to 0)

5-7	unburned grid cell special-condition code
		0 = none or not applicable (e.g., grid cell is burned)
		1 = valid observations spaced too sparsely in time
		2 = too few training observations
		3 = apparent burn date at limits of time series
		4 = apparent persistent water contamination
		5 = persistent hotspot

Bits 5-7 provide an explanation for any grid cells that were summarily
classified as "unburned" by the mapping algorithm due to special
circumstances.  The vast majority of unburned grid cells do not fall into this
category and will have a special-condition code of 0 (as will all burned,
missing-data, and water grid cells).

SDS Attributes:

Attribute		Type	Quantity	Value
---------		----	--------	--------
units			string	9		"bit field"


Name			Data Type	Dimensions
----			---------	----------
First Day		int16		YDim:MOD_Grid_Monthly_500m_DB_BA,

First day of reliable change detection.

SDS Attributes:

Attribute		Type	Quantity	Value
---------		----	--------	--------
valid_range		int16	2		1, 366
long_name		string	38		"first day of reliable change
_FillValue		int16	1		-1
water			int16	1		-2


Name			Data Type	Dimensions
----			---------	----------
Last Day		int16		YDim:MOD_Grid_Monthly_500m_DB_BA,

Last day of reliable change detection.

SDS Attributes:

Attribute		Type	Quantity	Value
---------		----	--------	--------
valid_range		int16	2		1, 366
long_name		string	37		"last day of reliable change
_FillValue		int16	1		-1
water			int16	1		-2