AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP - VIIRS/SNPP Deep Blue Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath 6 km
The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) Deep Blue aerosol products from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) instrument provide satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean in 6-minute data granules with daily global coverage. The Deep Blue algorithm draws its heritage from previous applications to retrieve AOT from Sea‐viewing Wide Field‐of‐view Sensor (SeaWiFS) over both land and ocean, and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements over land. This L2 description pertains to the SNPP VIIRS Deep Blue Aerosol Version 2.0 (V2.0) product, whose record starts from March 1, 2012.
This orbit-level product (Short-name: AERDB_L2_VIIRS_ SNPP) has an at-nadir resolution of 6 km x 6 km, and progressively increases away from nadir given the sensor’s scanning geometry and Earth’s curvature. Viewed differently, this product’s resolution accommodates 8 x 8 native VIIRS moderate-resolution (M-band) pixels that nominally have ~750 m horizontal pixel size. The L2 Deep Blue AOT data products, at 550 nm reference wavelengths, are derived from particular VIIRS bands using two primary AOT retrieval algorithms: Deep Blue algorithm over land, and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR) algorithm over ocean. Although this product is called Deep Blue based on retrievals for the land algorithm, the data includes over-water retrievals as well.
The L2 netCDF product, acquired every 6 minutes, contains 55 Science Data Set (SDS) layers. They include the following:
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Expected_Uncertainty_Land
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Expected_Uncertainty_Ocean
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Best_Estimate
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Ocean
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Ocean_Best_Estimate
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean_Best_Estimate
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_STDV_Land
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_STDV_Ocean
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Land
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean
- Aerosol_Type_Land
- Aerosol_Type_Land_Ocean
- Aerosol_Type_Ocean
- Algorithm_Flag_Land
- Algorithm_Flag_Ocean
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Best_Estimate
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Ocean
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Ocean_Best_Estimate
- Angstrom_Exponent_Ocean
- Angstrom_Exponent_Ocean_Best_Estimate
- Cell_Average_Elevation_Land
- Cell_Average_Elevation_Ocean
- Fine_Mode_Fraction_550_Ocean
- Fine_Mode_Fraction_550_Ocean_Best_Estimate
- Idx_Atrack
- Idx_Xtrack
- Land_Bands
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Land
- Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Ocean
- Number_Valid_Pixels
- Ocean_Bands
- Ocean_Sum_Squares
- Precipitable_Water
- Reflectance_Bands
- Relative_Azimuth_Angle
- Scan_Start_Time
- Scattering_Angle
- Solar_Zenith_Angle
- Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Land
- Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Ocean
- Spectral_Single_Scattering_Albedo_Land
- Spectral_Surface_Reflectance
- Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Land
- Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Ocean
- Total_Column_Ozone
- Unsuitable_Pixel_Fraction_Land_Ocean
- Viewing_Zenith_Angle
- Wind_Direction
- Wind_Speed
Differences between the V2.0 and V1.1 VIIRS Deep Blue Aerosol L2 product
The V2.0 VIIRS deep blue aerosol products are available from both NOAA20 and SNPP platforms. Significant changes have been made to the V2.0 Deep Blue/SOAR algorithms to further improve the data quality. Changes in the retrieval algorithms and data products include the following:
- NOAA20 VIIRS-derived products are now available besides the SNPP VIIRS-derived version.
- New SDS suite for prognostic uncertainties of 550 nm AOT over both land and ocean is added. (Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Expected_Uncertainty_Land, Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Expected_Uncertainty_Ocean, Unsuitable_Pixel_Fraction_Land_Ocean).
- Surface pressure is better accounted for both over-land and over-ocean retrievals by adding surface pressure nodes in the aerosol lookup table. This has improved retrieval accuracy over elevated land surfaces as well as water surfaces.
- A new surface database describing the surface reflectance relationships between visible and 2.2 mm bands in each geographic grid is introduced for the over-land retrievals. This new database mitigates overall biases.
- New fine-mode dominant aerosol optical models are added to existing nonspherical dust models, together replacing the original Deep Blue optical models over land. This has improved retrieval accuracy for fine-mode dominant aerosol cases.
- Optimized global retrieval performance.
- QA filtering and smoke detection scheme has been improved.
Consult the VIIRS Deep Blue Aerosol product user guide for additional information regarding the global attributes, data field attributes, quality flags, software to handle and use these data products, etc.
- Search for Product Files
- Data Archive
- VIIRS Deep Blue Aerosol Product User Guide
- VIIRS Deep Blue Aerosol Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
- DOI:
Shortname: | AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP |
Platform: | Suomi-NPP |
Instrument: | VIIRS |
Processing Level: | Level-2 |
Data Format: | netCDF4 |
Spatial Resolution: | 6km |
Temporal Resolution: | 6 minute |
ArchiveSets: | 5200, 5111 |
Collection: | NPP and JPSS1 VIIRS data 2.0 (ArchiveSet 5200) |
PGE Number: | NONE |
File Naming Convention: | Syntax: ESDT.AYYYYDDD.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.Format
Keywords: | SNPP VIIRS, L2 Swath, 6-Minute, Deep Blue Aerosol Optical Thickness |